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Welcome to the NuGO Bioethics Guidelines Tool

The NuGO Bioethics Guidelines Tool supplies compiled information about sensitive bioethical issues relevant for human nutritional sciences and nutrigenomics research. It comprises important official documents, research examples, templates and courses on bioethics throughout Europe. The most important part, however, are the NuGO Guidelines which where specifically developed for nutrigenomics scientists dealing with human studies.
If you want to know the background of the process of the development of the NuGO guidelines, please click on Background.

The tool is an interactive online program which will need also your input to tailor it to your needs. Therefore you will find on each page the 'Add information' button. There you can add examples, comments, hints to important documents, laws etc. We will regularly analyse the incoming information and up-date the tool.

We hope you will enjoy using the tool!

You have the following options:

NuGO Guidelines Download printable version of the NuGO Guidelines

General Principles: Gives an overview over ethical aspects of informed consent, genotype information, biobanks, use and exchange of samples
Specific Guidelines: Gives guidelines about ethical aspects of informed consent, genotype information, biobanks, use and exchange of samples
References: Here you will find access to relevant legal and official international documents

Templates: Sample documents for informed consent and research and sample exchange agreement

Citation of the guidelines:

The NuGO Bioethics Guidelines on Human Studies:
Oslo, September 17th, 2007