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This is a static version of the NuGO Bioethics Guidelines Tool from 2007. Some links may be outdated. Searching is disabled. Please contact the authors for comments or questions
References and official documents: Scientific publication
- Biobanks for research
- UNESCO (Working group of the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) on Confidentiality and Genetic Data): Report on Confidentiality and Genetic Data. Paris, 30 June 2000. BIO-503/99/CIB-6/GT-2/3
- Ethical issues and GenomEUtwin. (PubMed citation)
- Predictive genetic diagnosis, Scientific background, practical and social implementation Memorandum by the Senate Commission on Genetic Research
- Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, July 2002 Number 180: THE UK BIOBANK
- Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, January 2005 Number 235 Data protection and medical research
- Die (Weiter-)Verwendung von menschlichen Körpermaterialien für Zwecke medizinischer Forschung, Stellungnahme der Zentralen Ethikkommission
- Ethical, legal and social aspects of genetic testing: research, development and clinical applications by Eryl McNally (chair) and Anne Cambon-Thomsen (rapporteur)
- Draft Report on Collection, Treatment, Storage and Use of Genetic Data
- Obtaining Informed Consent for Genetic Studies - The Multiethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
- Voluntary Participation and Informed Consent to International Genetic Research
- Ashkenazi Jews and Breast Cancer: The Consequences of Linking Ethnic Identity to Genetic Disease
- Chaoqiang Jiang, G et al: Cohort Profile: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, a Guangzhou-Hong Kong-Birmingham collaboration
- Knoppers BM et al, The emergence of an ethical duty to disclose genetic research results: international perspectives
- Pharmacogenetics Working Group: Returning Genetic Research Results to Individuals: Points-to-Consider
- Laurie G et al: Genetic databases. Assessing the benefits and the impact on human and patient rights
- Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Pharmacogenetics: Ethical Issues
- National ethics councils - Their backgrounds, functions and modes of operation compared
- Predictive health information in the conclusion of insurance contracts - OPINION
- ACCESS TO COLLECTIONS OF DATA AND MATERIALS FOR HEALTH RESEARCH - A report to the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust
- Research Ethics Recommendations for Whole-Genome Research: Consensus Statement